How to transfer an animal online

1. Log in (click here for instructions).

2. Start a Manual Job (click here for instructions).

3. Once spreadsheet loads, select the “Transfer” tab at top of page.

transfer tab.png

4. Under AnmRegNbr column, enter the registration number of the  animal you want to transfer.


5. Under AcctNbr column, enter the account number of the buyer.

accnt number.png

Please search our member listing before creating a new account. If you do not find an account number for the buyer, please complete the BusinessName (if applicable), First Name, Last Name, Addr, City, State, and Zip columns with the buyer information. This will create a new account number for the buyer.

filled in.png

7. Under SaleDt column, enter the date the animal was sold to buyer.


8. Under MailTo column, add B (buyer) to send certificate to buyer and S (seller) to send certificate to seller.

mail to.png

If the animal is a male, you are ready to go step 15.

If a female is being transferred, complete steps 9 – 14:

9. Under Open column , enter Y if female is open (not bred) at time of sale or enter N if the female is bred.


If open, you are ready to go to the next line to transfer the next animal, or if you are done, go to step 15.

If female is bred: If AI bred, see steps #10 and #11. If pasture bred, see steps #12 and 13. If bred both AI and by pasture exposure, report both.

10. If the dam was bred AI, under AISire1RegNbr column, enter the AI sire registration number.

AI sire number.png

11. Under AISire1BrdDt, enter in AI breeding date. If you have an additional AI breeding to report, use the next two columns.

AI bereeding date.png

12. If the dam was bred by pasture sire, under PasSire1RegNbr, enter the Pasture Sire registration number.

Passture sire 1.png

13. Under PasSire1InDt, enter the first date the dam was exposed to bull.

pasture in date 1.png

14. Under PasSire1OutDt, enter the last date the dam was exposed to bull. 

If you have additional pasture exposures, use the next three columns.

pasture out date 1.png

Reporting breeding information is extremely important, as the buyer may have to get a signed breeder signature from the seller if the breeding information reported at the time of transfer is incorrect, incomplete, or not there.

When all transfer/s are entered, there is one more check.

15. Do you have any errors? 

If there is a red indicator that means you have errors in the spreadsheet.

with errors102715

Before submitting the data you must clear errors.

errors indictor 102715

If you have no red indicator you can submit data

16. Submit Data (click here for steps on how to submit through completion).

Submit Data with circle

NOTE: Even if the charge is $0, you still have to click “Final Submit” to complete the job.